27 December 2017

Make an Impact in the Astronomical Sciences

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

The end of 2017 is here! When making your year-end contributions, please consider a gift to the American Astronomical Society to support the astronomical sciences. As we look ahead to 2018, we'd like to draw your attention to two key AAS funds: the FAMOUS Travel Grant Fund and the Initiative Endowment Fund.

What is the AAS FAMOUS Travel Grant Fund?

  • FAMOUS = Funds for Astronomical Meetings: Outreach to Underrepresented Scientists
  • Secures funding for travel, meals, and lodging to offset expenses related to attending a Society meeting.
  • Priority is given to members of historically underrepresented groups, including scientists at small colleges, minority students and scientists, non-traditional students, and veterans.

What is the AAS Initiative Endowment Fund (IEF)?

  • Will be used to provide start-up funds for new AAS initiatives approved by the AAS Board of Trustees.
  • Gifts made to the fund today will be your legacy to the astronomers of tomorrow.

Which one speaks to you? The Society and its six Divisions have more than 50 additional funding choices. Please give to the funds, prizes, programs, and activities that mean the most to you.

BONUS: Donate $250 or more to any fund, or mix of funds, and you'll be invited to the Donor Reception and Donor Lounge at the 2018 winter and summer meetings.

Thank you for supporting our profession and helping to secure the future of the AAS and the astronomical sciences! 

The AAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all donations by US taxpayers are deductible under section 170 of the IRS Code. The AAS will automatically issue acknowledgment letters for donations of $100 or more. Federal Tax ID# 21-0735173.