11 July 2017

Register for the HEAD 16 Meeting by 28 July!

The AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) will gather in Sun Valley, Idaho, 20-24 August for the 16th HEAD meeting. This meeting boasts an impressive lineup of speakers, sessions, and events, so you don’t want to miss this! The regular registration deadline is Friday, 28 July, so register by then to avoid higher rates.

Once you’ve registered, check out some of the available housing options in the area. Don’t forget to prepare for the 21 August solar eclipse by taking a look at the Sun Valley-specific eclipse viewing information.

See you in Idaho!

Thank you to the current sponsors of the 16th HEAD meeting: Chandra X-ray Observatory, USRA, NASA’s Physics of the Cosmos, and NuSTAR.

16th HEAD meeting