19 April 2017

16th HEAD Meeting Headed to Idaho

The AAS High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) is holding its annual meeting in 20-24 August 2017 in Sun Valley, Idaho. Attendees will not only get to share their work and learn from others in the field, they'll also have the opportunity to witness the 21 August solar eclipse from the path of totality. You don't want to miss this!

16th HEAD meeting

Registration is open for the 16th HEAD meeting! Register by the early deadline of Thursday, 11 May, to save $100+ over onsite rates. Get all of the details on the HEAD meeting registration page.

Submit your oral or poster abstract by the 25 May regular deadline to join the HEAD meeting program and share your work with others studying high-energy astrophysics. If you miss the regular deadline, you have until the 15 June late deadline to submit a poster abstract.

The hotel block at the Sun Valley Resort is full, but you can add your name to a waiting list, request a reservation at the Best Western Plus Kentwood Lodge, or take a look at other options available in the area.

Eclipse Viewing
HEAD meeting attendees have the opportunity to travel to the top of Bald Mountain to witness the total solar eclipse. You don’t want to miss this unique opportunity. Read more about it on the HEAD meeting events page and add this option when you register for the meeting.

Dependent Care Grants
The HEAD Executive Committee, along with the AAS, are committed to helping HEAD members with dependents attend HEAD meetings. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, the HEAD Executive Committee is pleased to offer up to eight grants of $400 each to help offset dependent care costs for meeting attendees. These costs might include caregiver costs at the meeting or at home, or other expenses associated with dependent travel. Dependent care grant applications are due by Friday, 9 June.

Hope you can join us in Sun Valley!