12 January 2017

Astrobites Coverage of the 229th AAS Meeting

Victoria Villar Harvard University

Did you miss the 229th AAS meeting in Grapevine, Texas, last week? Or did you attend but miss some of the sessions you were hoping to catch? Then you'll be happy to know that Astrobites has published summaries of many of the plenary talks and press briefings from throughout the meeting!

Astrobites is a daily blog that has been covering the latest research in astronomy since 2010. It is written by graduate students around the world and, as of last year, is supported by the AAS. Astrobites bloggers now regularly bring you daily coverage of each of the Society's semi-annual meetings. You can read our summaries from 229th AAS meeting here:

In Grapevine we also did a series of interviews with some of the keynote speakers:

Note that videos of all the Grapevine plenary presentations will soon be posted on the AAS 229 website for members to view at their leisure. The eight press briefings from the meeting are already online.

Ashley Villar, Susanna Kohler & Nathan Sanders