9 December 2016

Update on Threat to Maria Mitchell Observatory

Regina Jorgenson Maria Mitchell Observatory

See below for an encouraging update to the original post.

Original post, 9 December:

I want to inform my colleagues in the AAS about a threat to the Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) and our landmark Loines Observatory. The Town of Nantucket, Massachusetts, is currently installing a bike path on Milk Street, which of course we support. However, in order to install the bike path, the Town decided to move the utility poles to the north side of the street, directly adjacent to our observatory. The newly installed poles are much taller than the old ones. The combination of closer and taller poles and wires means that the view of the night sky from the observatory — in particular the view to the south — will be significantly impacted, not only for our visitors but also for our research astronomers and students.

The MMA sent a letter to the Board of Selectmen, Town Planner, and Nantucket Historical Commission imploring them to rectify this problem with a solution that would not impact our viewing and research. Although the Board of Selectmen expressed concern and said they would ask various experts for alternatives, they also suggested that the MMA pay to have the lines moved underground. We have heard estimates as "low" as $100,000 and as high as $1,000,000! Our limited resources must be dedicated to providing science education and research opportunities to the children and adults on Nantucket as well as to our visitors. Paying to install utilities because of bad information and a lack of consideration for one of Nantucket's cultural, scientific, and historic landmarks is not acceptable.

Obviously the MMA will do everything we can to have the poles and wires moved to ensure an unimpeded view of the night sky and to secure the legacy of Maria Mitchell and the great scientists who followed in her footsteps. Future generations of astronomers should not have to modify their research interests because of wires thoughtlessly installed in 2016. Future generations of visitors to our immensely popular open nights at the observatory should not be told that their view of Saturn or Mars is obstructed because of wires installed by the town without consideration of the legacy of our scientific and educational institution.

Although the MMA will work diligently to save our clear view of the sky, we need your help. As you are likely aware, Maria believed in and fought for women's access to the practice of science in a time when it was generally denied. Let us not now stand by and watch as a precious resource — our access to the night sky — is taken away by careless planning. Please email and/or call the Nantucket selectmen and ask them to find a solution that makes our sky whole again and allows a clear view of the planets and stars for generations to come. Tell them about your experiences at the observatory.

Board of Selectmen contact information:

Of course your own words are usually best, but feel free to use this text if you would like: "As a supporter of science research and education on Nantucket, I urge you to look for a solution that will eliminate the significant impact that the new utility poles and wires will have on astronomical research and viewing of the night sky from the Maria Mitchell Association's Loines Observatory."

We have also launched an online petition that we encourage you to sign. We are keen to get as many signatures as soon as possible so that we can show the Town of Nantucket how important the observatory is, not only to the local community, but also to the world at large. Thank you for signing! And the sooner the better, as they are already going ahead with the installation of the poles.

Sign the Petition

Update, 10 December:

Thanks to more than 800 responses from Maria Mitchell Association members and astronomy lovers around the world, the Town of Nantucket has agreed to maintain full, unobstructed views from Loines Observatory. Your passionate comments and outreach ensured that the Board of Selectmen appreciated the importance of our landmark scientific institution and its role in science education and astronomy research. Please see a copy of the letter below submitted by the Town Manager, Libby Gibson. We look forward to working with the Town to ensure that changes are made.

To be clear, this result could not have been achieved without your support, and we are all most grateful. Stay tuned for future updates.

David Gagnon, Executive Director, Maria Mitchell Association

Letter from Town Manager:

Town Administration would like to assure the community, Maria Mitchell Association, and lovers of open skies around the world that the Town of Nantucket is working to resolve the situation at Loines Observatory so that we maintain the unobstructed views for visitors and researchers that existed prior to the installation of the new poles. At the December 7th Board of Selectmen meeting, the Board decided to move ahead with the bike path project as it was already under construction. The Board also agreed to work with the utility companies to find a solution. The lines of communication between the town and the Maria Mitchell Association are open. We are actively working to determine cost and quick time frames to either reduce the height of the poles or place the wires underground.

C. Elizabeth Gibson, Town Manager, Town of Nantucket

I don't know if it is guaranteed that we are out of the woods just yet, but the town has apparently gotten the message that this is a big problem and does seem to be making strides in the right direction. We will definitely keep everyone updated on any further developments. Thanks to all AAS members who mobilized to help us!

Regina Jorgenson, Director of Astronomy, Maria Mitchell Association