15 June 2016

Upcoming AWIS Webinar: "Boundaries and Expectations: What Title IX Is, Isn't, and Could Be"

Association for Women in ScienceThe Association for Women in Science (AWIS) is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, 15 June, at 12:00 pm ET about the history of Title IX, plus the current requirements, challenges, and controversies surrounding the law. Topics to be discussed include:

  • What can individuals expect when they experience or know about a possible Title IX violation?
  • What obligations and responsibilities does Title IX place on institutions to prevent, investigate, and respond to issues of sexual harassment, sexual and dating violence, gender-based harassment, sex- and gender-based discrimination, and stalking?

The one-hour webinar will be led by guest speaker Alexandra Tracy-Ramirez, a Title IX attorney. Learn more and register for this webinar.

AWIS is kindly offering complimentary registration for this webinar to AAS members. Enter "AAS" as the registration code when registering to view this webinar for free.