17 May 2016

AAS Member Deaths, May 2016

Crystal Tinch American Astronomical Society (AAS)

The Society is saddened to learn of the recent deaths of the following members, former members, and affiliate members:

  • Winifred S. Cameron

The AAS Obituary Committee, led by the vice-chair of the AAS Historical Astronomy Division (HAD), is responsible for commissioning and compiling obituaries for deceased members of the Society. These obituaries are published in the Bulletin of the AAS as a tribute and for the benefit of future historians of science. The committee depends entirely on our astronomical colleagues, including astronomy-department and observatory administrators, who knew the deceased, for help writing obituaries. Please contact Crystal Tinch or the current HAD vice-chair if you’d be willing to write an obituary for a former colleague and member. Similarly, please let them know when an astronomer has died, even if you're not sure the deceased was ever a member of the Society (we'll look them up in our membership database).

A complete list of AAS obituaries can be found on the HAD webpage.