19 February 2016

AAS Regional Meeting Returns to Kentucky in April 2016

The 2016 AAS Kentucky Area Meeting will be held Saturday, 9 April, at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. We invite professional astronomers, faculty, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students in astronomy located in Kentucky and the surrounding area to this one-day science meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to foster closer ties within the local astronomical community and to support research and teaching endeavors in astronomy.

We are currently soliciting 8- to 10-minute oral and poster contributions from students and postdocs. If you would like to contribute a poster or talk, please send a title, abstract (no more than 250 words), and your preference between poster and oral presentation to Tom Pannuti by 15 March.

Information on the program, participants, and registration will be posted to the meeting website as it becomes available.