22 October 2015

Two New Reports from AIP's Statistical Research Center

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This announcement comes from Patrick Mulvey of AIP's Statistical Research Center:

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Statistical Research Center (SRC) has posted two new publications:

These reports provide a detailed, department-by-department listing, with Fall 2014 enrollments and 2013-14 degree data for each degree-granting physics and astronomy department in the US. The findings in the reports come from the AIP annual survey of enrollments and degrees.


Physics bachelor’s degree production continues to increase, with the 7,526 bachelor’s awarded representing yet another all-time high. Further increases in physics bachelor’s degree production are anticipated as undergraduate junior- and senior-level enrollments continue to climb. The all-time high of 1,803 physics PhDs conferred in the class of 2014 continues the trend of increasing PhD production. First-year graduate physics student enrollments have been relatively unchanged in recent years, but past increases have now resulted in a record high of 15,812 total graduate students.

The number of undergraduate astronomy degrees conferred in the US has more than doubled in the last one and a half decades and is at an all-time high. There were 428 astronomy bachelor's awarded at the 81 departments that offered astronomy degrees during the 2013-14 academic year. Undergraduate enrollments are also at a record high, and astronomy bachelor's degree production is expected to continue to rise as a result. First-year and total graduate student enrollments for Fall 2014 were similar to the previous year.

Please click on the links above to access the full reports, which are available as PDFs.