22 October 2015

Help Us Update Our List of Astronomy-Related Degree Programs

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

Some of the most popular pages on our website for nonmember visitors are the ones in our Education section. These are especially attractive to students who are considering a career in the astronomical sciences. When thinking about where to study, they find our "College Departments Offering Astronomy Related Degrees" page particularly helpful.

Occasionally we hear from AAS members who ask, "Why isn't my institution's degree program on your list?" The answer is always the same: Because nobody told us about it! The AAS Executive Office doesn't have the resources to gather this information ourselves. Accordingly, we rely on department chairs for help.

Please check the list, and if you don't see your college's or university's astronomy-related degree program(s) there, please ask your department chair to email the relevant information to [email protected].

Similarly, if you see out-of-date or otherwise inaccurate information in a listing, please ask your department chair to let us know so that we can fix it. Thank you!