13 April 2015

Astro Hack Week 2015 to Convene at New York University

David Hogg New York Univ.

The 2015 edition of Astro Hack Week will be held at New York University, 28 September through 2 October 2015. Pre-registration is now open and will remain open until 15 June.

The philosophy of Astro Hack Week is to be a mix of data-analysis summer school and "unconference" enabling collaborative research. Participants will learn theoretical foundations as well as practical knowledge in statistical, computational, and machine-learning methods crucial to modern astronomical data analysis. At the same time, we encourage participants to bring their projects and use the methods learned and the varied expertise of the other participants to move them forward. Last year's Astro Hack Week, held at the University of Washington in Seattle, saw of the order of 35 projects among the 45 participants.

The mornings will be a typical summer-school format, with lectures and exercises covering essential skills for working effectively with large astronomical datasets. The afternoons will be entirely unstructured and offer opportunities for collaborative research, breakout sessions on special topics, and application of the concepts covered during the morning sessions. The vision is to provide a space to encourage learning, research, collaboration, and sharing of expertise, for the benefit of both young and experienced astronomical researchers alike.

Hope to see you at Astro Hack Week in New York in September!