12 September 2014

New from NSF: Survey of PhD Recipients & Unemployment Data

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This announcement is posted on behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF):

Two new reports have been released by NSF's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES):

Survey of Doctorate Recipients, 2013

Tables from the 2013 Survey of Doctorate Recipients present data on the demographic and employment characteristics of individuals who have received a research doctorate in a science, engineering, or health field from a US academic institution. Data include the number and median salaries of doctoral scientists and engineers by field of doctorate and occupation, by demographic characteristics, and by employment-related characteristics.

Unemployment Among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Remained Below the National Average in 2013

In 2013 an estimated 837,900 individuals in the United States held research doctoral degrees in science, engineering, and health (SEH) fields. Of these individuals, approximately 735,900 were in the labor force. The unemployment rate for SEH doctorate recipients in the labor force was 2.1% in February 2013, down from 2.4% in October 2010. Moreover, the 2013 unemployment rate of the SEH doctoral labor force was one-third of the February 2013 unemployment rate for the general population aged 25 years or older (6.3%).

Both reports are available via links from the NCSES webpage, which also points to other reports of potential interest to AAS members. At the bottom of that page is a link whereby you may sign up to receive email notifications of new NCSES reports as well as a variety of other announcements from the NSF.