24 September 2013

AWB to Distribute Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses in Africa

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This item was received from Mike Simmons, founder and president of Astronomers Without Borders:

A new Astronomers Without Borders program will provide thousands of free eclipse viewing glasses to schools across Africa where a solar eclipse will take place on 3 November. This is a rare opportunity to expose students to science in a region where science resources are often non-existent. Anyone can purchase safe eclipse viewing glasses, in any amount, for donation to African schools. The need is great.

Schools have been identified and vetted by partner organizations in each country, and distribution networks have been verified. Every donated pair of eclipse glasses WILL reach a student for use for the eclipse. The International Astronomical Union's Office of Astronomy for Development, which is based in Cape Town, South Africa, is providing invaluable support and assistance through their many contacts across Africa.

See the AWB program page for more information and to donate.