26 July 2013

AAS 2013 Summer Campaign Heats Up

The AAS asks that you contribute to our 2013 Summer Campaign. Support one or more of the many projects that help define the Society and maintain our efforts to enhance and share humanity's scientific understanding of the universe. Your donation will be used to promote astronomy and related sciences by advancing student achievement, acknowledging extraordinary service, and celebrating outstanding research.

We especially seek contributions to the Rodger Doxsey Travel Prize, which provides graduate students or postdocs within one year of receiving or receipt of their PhD a monetary prize to enable the oral presentation of their dissertation research at a winter meeting of the AAS. As always, we also welcome unrestricted contributions, which we use for areas of greatest need.

The AAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all donations are fully tax deductible. To contribute online, please go to http://members.aas.org and log in to your account. You will need your AAS username and password. If you don’t remember one or the other, you can reset it there or call our membership department at 202-328-2010 x101 for assistance. If you’d like, we can take your payment information over the phone too.

No gift is too small…it’s astronomical!