30 August 2018

NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences Grant Program Updates

James Neff National Science Foundation

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The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST) has recently published three new proposal solicitations (AAG, AAPF, ATI), and two existing programs (SPG, PAARE) are expiring. This post briefly describes these recent changes to our Individual Investigator programs. Refer to the individual program websites, linked below, for more detailed information. 

The AST receives hundreds of meritorious proposals every year, only a fraction of which are awarded funding. NSF relies heavily on advice from the scientific community when deciding which proposals should receive funding. If you would like to participate in the NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences merit review process, please register by filling out our Reviewer Interest Form.

1) Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG; NSF 18-575)

AAG is the primary program to fund research in all areas of the astronomical sciences. This includes proposals in solar and planetary research, which for the past two years have been considered under a separate solicitation. Proposals must be received by 15 November 2018. 

2) Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships (AAPF; NSF 18-574)

The new solicitation clarifies the scope of the program and revises the eligibility criteria. Proposals must be received by 24 October 2018 (in future years, the deadline will be 15 October).

3) Advanced Technology and Instrumentation (ATI; NSF 18-576)

The ATI program supports grants for technology development and instrumentation in astronomy. The new solicitation significantly redefines the scope of ATI beyond the "program description" under which these proposals were previously considered. Proposals must be received by 15 November 2018.

4) Solar and Planetary Research Grants (SPG; NSF 16-602)

After 30 September 2018 proposals will no longer be accepted into the Solar and Planetary Research Grants pilot “no-deadline” program. Effective 1 October 2018, proposals that address topics related to solar and planetary systems should once again be submitted to the AAG program (see item #1 above; NSF 18-575) by 15 November 2018.

5) Partnerships in Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Education (PAARE; NSF 13-566)

PAARE proposals are no longer being accepted under the current solicitation. The program is being phased out, and we encourage interested parties to consider submitting proposals to the NSF-wide INCLUDES (NSF 18-529) program.