30 March 2018

JWST Launch Delayed; Cycle 1 Call for Proposals Deadline Extended

Bonnie Meinke Ball Aerospace

Based on recommendations made by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Standing Review Board, NASA is re-scheduling JWST’s launch window for 2020. Given those circumstances, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) will delay the Cycle 1 GO/AR proposal deadline until no earlier than 1 February 2019. A revised proposal schedule will be developed in consultation with the JWST Users Committee, the JWST Project and representatives from the European and Canadian Space Agencies. Proposals already submitted in response to the Cycle 1 Call will not be carried over and will need to be resubmitted.

Please see NASA’s press release on the launch delay and STScI’s announcement about postponing the proposal deadline.