24 October 2017

NASA Seeking Nominations for COPAG Executive Committee

Susan Neff NASA's GSFC

The Astrophysics Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate seeks nominations, including s self-nominations, to serve on the Executive Committee of NASA’s Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group (COPAG). NASA anticipates making at least three new appointments to the COPAG Executive Committee to replace current members rotating off the committee. Appointments are for three-year terms.

The COPAG is an open, interdisciplinary forum that provides a conduit for community input into NASA’s Cosmic Origins (COR) Program. The COPAG is led by an Executive Committee (EC), whose membership is chosen to reflect the range of scientific disciplines and interests represented in COR. The COPAG EC and Chair are responsible for capturing and organizing community input, overseeing COPAG analyses, identifying and prioritizing technology needs for future missions, reporting COPAG findings and inputs to the Astrophysics Advisory Committee, and keeping the scientific community apprised of ongoing activities and opportunities within NASA’s COR Program.

Nominations will only be accepted for scientists who reside at a US institution for the period of the service. There is no restriction on citizenship. For fall 2017, nominations from highly qualified individuals who are in the early stages of their careers are strongly encouraged. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 3 November 2017, with announcement of selections anticipated by early December 2017. More information may be found in the associated Dear Colleague Letter from the COR program.