1 May 2017

Deadline Looms for Feedback on New Governance Documents

Kevin Marvel

Kevin Marvel American Astronomical Society (AAS)

As noted in previous communications, the Society is about to replace its Constitution and Bylaws and rework the governance model for the first time in more than half a century. If you haven’t read the documents and submitted your thoughts to AAS leadership, now is the time! The open-comment period for AAS members to weigh in on the new documents ends Friday, 12 May.

Missed our previous calls for comment? Here are the action items:

  1. Read the Governance Task Force Report (PDF). It provides essential background informing the next two steps.
  2. Read and consider the Draft of New Articles of Incorporation (PDF) and Draft of New Bylaws (PDF). The new Articles of Incorporation will replace the current Constitution.
  3. Send your feedback on the draft Articles of Incorporation and draft Bylaws to [email protected] or use the online form to comment anonymously by the deadline, Friday, 12 May.

Input from our membership is critical as the Council will consider approving the new Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws next month, at the 230th meeting of the Society in Austin, Texas. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.