23 October 2015

Upcoming NSF Proposal Deadlines

James Neff National Science Foundation

Two National Science Foundation (NSF) programs that support a wide-range of astronomical activities have deadlines in the next month. Proposals must be submitted through FastLane or grants.gov by 5:00 pm (proposing institution's local time) on the dates listed below. 

1) Advanced Technologies & Instrumentation (ATI): 2 November 2015

For more information visit the NSF ATI webpage.

2) Astronomy & Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG): 16 November 2015

For more information visit the NSF AAG webpage.


  • When preparing proposals to either program, please pay careful attention to the information provided in the Grant Proposal Guide (NSF 15-1).
  • The recently announced changes to the Grant Proposal Guide do not take effect until January 2016. Proposals submitted by these November deadlines should follow the guidelines given in the current version (NSF 15-1).
  • For the AAG program, the solicitation (12-589) may override or contradict some of the information in the GPG. In such cases, follow the guidance given in the solicitation.
  • After reading the available material, you are welcome to contact any of the program officers listed on these webpages for clarification or advice.