243rd meeting

Abstracts & Proposals

New Orleans, Louisiana
243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society
New Orleans, Louisiana
7 – 11 January 2024

Every presentation at the AAS summer and winter meetings is accompanied by an abstract no more than 2,250 characters long that describes the research being presented. Meeting attendees wishing to present — whether via a talk or a poster — must submit a proposed abstract by the set abstract deadlines.

Abstract Submission Is Closed

Abstract Deadlines

We will strictly adhere to the following deadlines and scheduling:

  • 15 August: Abstracts open
  • 29 September: Regular abstract deadline
  • 3 October: Late abstracts open
  • 17 October: Late abstract deadline

Submission Process and Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted through the presenting author's AAS record. Co-authors are not eligible to substitute as the presenting author. The presenting author will be notified once the schedule has been determined.

Please reference the following resources when preparing an abstract for submission:

Abstract Login Instructions

To submit an abstract, you must first log in to the system using your AAS login credentials.

  • If you are a member of the AAS you should already have a login. 
  • If you are not a member of the AAS you may create an AAS login if you do not already have one.

If you are an undergraduate student member, inactive member, pending member, or nonmember of the AAS you will need to select a sponsor (a sponsor is an active AAS Full Member; the sponsor will be notified by email, but no action is required on their part) during the submission process to finalize submitting your abstract to the system.

Abstract Submission Form Details

The abstract submission form linked above contains instructions on the various steps required to complete a submission. Some notes:

  • Abstracts must be complete and submitted by the deadline, 11:59 pm ET, 29 September 2023.
  • The abstract body text can be a maximum of 2,250 characters (which includes letters, numbers, punctuation, spacing, returns, and symbols/special characters).
  • To enter co-authors, you must have the following: full first and last name, email address, and affiliation.
  • You can continue to make changes to your abstract until the deadline. To edit an abstract, sign back in, find your submitted abstract, and make changes. Please remember to resubmit once you have made changes.

Making Changes After the Submission Deadline

We understand that edits sometimes need to be made to abstracts after they are submitted. We try hard to accommodate edits and changes as we lead up to the conference, but due to certain publishing deadlines, we will be unable to edit abstracts within four weeks of the meeting start date.

If you have a problem with the scheduling of your presentation, please email the abstract help desk. We will try to accommodate your request if possible.