Jon Miller: Candidate for Nominating Committee

Affiliation: University of Michigan

Position/Title: Professor of Astronomy

PhD institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2002)

Areas of scientific interest:

  • Black holes of all masses
  • Neutron stars
  • Accretion inflows and outflows
  • Transient phenomena
  • Growth of structure
  • High energy mission development
  • Astronomy education

AAS and/or Division leadership positions and dates:


Other relevant positions, experience, and dates:

  • Co-chair, NASA Athena Study Team (2018 – present)
  • Participating Scientist, X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission, XRISM (2018 – present)
  • Chair, User’s Committee, Chandra X-ray Observatory (2011 – 2015)
  • Chair, User’s Group, Suzaku (2007 – 2011)

I think that the future of our field depends on making sure that astronomy is open to the greatest possible number of people, representing the greatest possible degree of diversity. This not only means ensuring that astronomy is open, welcoming, and supportive, but also ensuring that everyone is recognized for their excellent work. We cannot pattern our leadership after the faces on those notorious Nobel Prize posters, and only recognize those scientists from traditional astronomy centers, if the field is to grow and improve in the future. I am interested in serving on the Nominating Committee so that I can help to ensure that excellent scientists everywhere have the chance to shape the future of the AAS.