Scientific Staff

Job Summary

Tenure and Tenure-track Faculty Positions
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Lise Meitner strong gravitational lensing group
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement
In-Person Location(s)


Job Description

The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) in Garching is seeking applications for a tenure-track astrophysics staff position within the Lise Meitner strong gravitational lensing group led by Dr. Simona Vegetti.

We are interested in candidates with expertise in data modelling for strong gravitational lensing applications at cm-, mm- and optical/UV wavelengths and extensive experience developing codes for high-performance computing architectures in C and CUDA. Applicants must hold a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or a related field.

The successful candidate will be expected to support and extend the group's scientific activity ( and, in particular, contribute to the group’s effort to develop novel lens modelling techniques. They will also be expected to enrich the overall scientific environment of the MPA.

With 14 long-term staff members, 40 postdocs, and a similar number of PhD students, MPA is ideal for developing your science through stimulating interactions. The successful candidate will have access to the institute’s excellent in-house computing facilities and those at the Supercomputer Centre of the Max Planck Society. We strive for excellent science but believe this can only be achieved with a healthy work-life balance. As an employee of the Max Planck community, they will also have access to extensive resources and support. See Salary is paid at German civil service rates. The position comes with a 30-day holiday entitlement, social security insurance (e.g. health insurance), and social benefits according to the regulations for public service.

The tenure-track appointment will be for an initial period of five years, with tenuring based on a successful performance review. 

Compensation and Benefits

Included Benefits

Included Benefits.

Social benefits are granted according to the regulations for public service.

Application Details

Application Instructions
Applicants are required to submit a single pdf file containing a cover letter, CV, publication list, and a research statement (maximum of 5 pages) by July 15 2024. Additionally, they should arrange for three letters of reference to be provided separately by the same date. All applications and reference letters must be emailed to Dr. Simona Vegetti, [email protected]
Publication Start Date
2024 May 21
Application Deadline
2024 Jul 15


Dr. Simona Vegetti