Swinburne Visiting Research Fellow

Job Summary

Visiting and Non-tenure Faculty Positions
Swinburne University of Technology
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement
In-Person Location(s)

Hawthorn VIC

Job Description

Swinburne University offers a fellowship to give early & mid-career women and gender diverse people the opportunity to visit and interact with researchers at Swinburne. The fellowship is restricted to the career range of 4-15 years from PhD. 

Visiting Scholar Objectives

  • Promote collaborative ties between Swinburne astronomers and a network of national and international researchers
  • Enable interaction of postdocs and graduate students with successful researchers in their discipline
  • Develop career opportunities for the early & mid-career researcher and provide them a platform to expand their research collaborations
  • Foster mentoring relationships for the scholar and from the scholar to the Swinburne students and postdocs

What is expected of the Visiting Scholar

The Visiting Scholar will stay at Swinburne for a minimum of 4 consecutive weeks. Funding will go directly to travel and housing during the visit. Longer stays are subject to funding availability. The fellow is free to use their own funds for this as well. The Scholar will give a colloquium on their research and a second presentation to the students. The Scholar will identify a collaborator from the Swinburne faculty and engage with their research group regularly during the visit.

The second presentation and any engagement with CAS students is to be proposed by the Visiting Scholar. This could be a more educational version of the basic aspects of their research aimed at students or alternatively they can lead a discussion about career progression, inclusion & diversity and/or support within academic science.


The funding is up to $12k AUD, which is sufficient to cover typical international airfare and accommodation for the duration of the fellowship. We will consider additional funding for childcare in needs-based situations.


Please submit a single pdf with the following materials to the email address [email protected] .

  • Proposed dates of visit
  • Proposal for presentation to students, and any mentoring activities planned (1 page)
  • Research activity being undertaken during your visit (1 page)
  • Identify a CAS faculty member who will write a very brief (1 paragraph) statement of support of your application
  • Brief CV (max 5 pages, with no more than 10 publications)

Deadline: 27-July-2024

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation Notes

Funding is intended to cover travel and accommodation costs. While the visit may occur in early 2025, the funds must be spent by the end of year 2024, in order to align with yearly budget. 

Application Details

Application Instructions
Please submit a single pdf with the following materials to the email address [email protected] .
- Proposed dates of visit
- Proposal for presentation to students, and any mentoring activities planned (1 page)
- Research activity being undertaken during your visit (1 page)
- Identify a CAS faculty member who will write a very brief (1 paragraph) statement of support of your application
- Brief CV (max 5 pages, with no more than 10 publications)

Deadline: 27-July-2024
Publication Start Date
2024 Jun 19
Application Deadline
2024 Jul 27


Deanne Fisher