Thermonuclear Supernovae: Their Explosion and Progenitors, and Implications for Precision Cosmol

Job Summary

Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Florida State University
Number of Positions Available
2 Years
Could the duration be extended?
Work Arrangement
In-Person Location(s)

Tallahassee, FL
United States

Job Description

The FSU-astrogroup on transients invites applications for a NSF -funded postdoctorial position to join the astrophysics group to work and use radiation hydrodynamical simulations for thermonuclear supernovae using advanced radiation-hydrodynamical simulations. The goal is to probe the signatures and multidimensional physics underlying the explosion and progenitor systems. What is the sensitivity of observables to the geometry of the explosion, and how can the observable signatures be linked to the underlying physical processes? We make full use of multi-messenger and time-domain spanning from the thermonuclear breakout to late-time (1000+d) nebular spectra from UV to the mid-infrared. The data come from our programs on spectropolarimetry (SPECPOL at VLT), some 9+ programs at JWST (CoPI), Swift and HST, and light curves and spectra from many ground-based initiatives. We also draw from many data bases published.

The position is for 2 years and is renewable beyond 2 years, contingent on performance and funding, with a nominal start date of September 1st (or later). The candidate should have experience in numerical astrophysics in either field of the thermonuclear runaway of the WD, flame-physics, radiative transport and processes for the early photospheric or nebular phase, or the interaction of the exploding envelope with the circumstellar and interstellar matter. The successful candidate will take the lead in some of the subfields and is expected to help graduate (currently 3) and undergraduate (2) students of the theory initiative, which currently work on nebular spectroscopy, molecule, and durst formation, non-thermal processes, and lepton transport. The successful candidate is welcome to bring in/continue to work with his current network.

Applicants must have a PhD in physics, astrophysics, or a closely related field by the start of the position. Beyond his research and if desired, the successful candidate has the opportunity to gain experience in teaching.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation Type
Compensation Range
$50,000USD to $55,000USD
Included Benefits

FSU’s benefits program offers a quality, competitive benefits package that includes health insurance. The position is part of an NSF grant, which covers travel and publication.

Application Details

Application Instructions
Application Instructions
Submit: (1) a cover letter, (2) a curriculum vitae with a publication list, (3) a statement of research interests (maximum 2 pages), and (4) a statement that describes all relevant experience related to the position ([email protected]). Please also include in your cover letter the names and contact information of three references who may be contacted for letters of recommendation. Women and under-represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please send application material with the key work "Postdoc:Transients" to
[email protected]
[email protected]

Interviews will begin on September, 1st and will continue until the position is filled.
Publication Start Date
2024 Jun 13
Application Deadline
2024 Aug 15


Peter Hoeflich