Candidate Statement: Sukanya Chakrabarti

Sukanya Chakrabarti

Nominated Office
: Vice-President

Affiliation: Rochester Institute of Technology

Position/Title: Associate Professor

PhD Institution: UC Berkeley (2005)

Areas of scientific interest:

  • Galactic dynamics
  • Dark matter
  • Time-domain astronomy
  • Radiative transfer

AAS positions & dates:

  • Member, Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) (2020 – present)

Other relevant positions and experience:

  • Lead Coordinator, KITP Long-Term Program on “Dynamical Models for Stars and Gas in Galaxies in the Gaia Era” (2019)
  • Co-convenor, US ELT Key Science Program, “Resolved Stellar Populations and their Environments (2018)
  • SOC Chair, AAS Topical Conference Series (AASTCS) meeting on “Probes of Dark Matter on Galaxy Scales” (2013)

Candidate Statement:

I am honored to accept the nomination for Vice-President of the AAS. Major roles of the Vice-Presidents include planning AAS meetings and advising the President. I am confident that I will be able to bring my past experience to bear in the organization of successful workshops and conferences (including an AAS Topical Series Conference and a KITP long-term program). If elected, I will continue to push for creating a more inclusive, professional, and forward-thinking environment for all astronomers, as we move into the next decade, where science advocacy and public science literacy are more crucial than ever before.

For most of my career, I have worked to advance equity and inclusion for underrepresented groups in STEM. I recently began a term as a member of the Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA). One of my main goals is to analyze the demographics of hiring, recruitment, and retention, paying attention to the impact on individuals at the intersections of multiple identities. I would especially like to see more progress in academia for people of color as they are particularly underrepresented. I would also like to see universities fully respect maternity leave — without penalizing women when they return by giving them teaching overloads "to catch them up".

As for my own research, I have been particularly interested in looking for connections between apparently disparate sub-fields in astronomy that can enable the cross-fertilization of ideas across different domains. I have worked very broadly; my research covers topics from Galactic dynamics, time-domain astronomy, and radiative transfer. I also enjoy connecting people to resources (whether software, ideas, or other people).

Should you elect me as an officer of our national professional organization, I will strive to serve our field at the broadest possible level.