Candidate Statement: Sarah Ballard

Sarah Ballard

Nominated Office
: Nominating Committee

Affiliation: University of Florida

Position/title: Assistant Professor of Astronomy

PhD institution: Harvard University (2012)

Areas of scientific interest:

  • Exoplanets
  • Planet formation
  • Low-mass stars

AAS positions & dates:

  • Member, American Astronomical Society (2006 – present)

Other relevant positions and experience:

  • Chair, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Astronomy Department, University of Florida (2020 – present)
  • Astronomy Liaison, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Committee, University of Florida (2020 – present)
  • Fellow, L’Oreal For Women in Science Program (2015)

Candidate Statement:

Leadership for our professional society ought to represent the excellence of our community at large. That excellence can take many forms. As a member of the Nominating Committee, I will be mindful of the many axes that define us as astronomers: our scientific contributions as individuals and teams, our communication of science to the public, and our efforts to make our culture a place where all scientists can thrive. Improving our professional organizations also means understanding them as they are, including their past shortcomings. This means actively observing the work that astronomers in the AAS are doing, across all of our representative demographics, and identifying leaders whose work may have been historically overlooked. If elected, I commit to performing this office carefully and thoughtfully.