Candidate Statement: Kelsey Johnson

Nominated Office: Councilor

Affiliation: University of Virginia

Position/title: Associate Professor

PhD institution: University of Colorado, 2001

Areas of scientific interest:
I am particularly interested in how the universe turns raw materials into stars, and how the resulting star formation depends on the surrounding environmental conditions. To this end, I think it is important to be aware of both work being done on star formation in the Milky Way (to understand the detailed processes), as well as large scale trends that are observed on cosmological scales (in order to have a broader context). To study these processes I observe environments ranging from individual nearby dwarf galaxies, to major mergers, to galaxy groups, and I use observations at wavelengths ranging from the radio to the ultraviolet.

AAS positions:

  • AAS member (1997-date)
  • Invited guest to observe AAS Council Meeting (2005)
  • Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize Committee (2007-2009)
  • Interview for AAS "STATUS" publication (2010)
  • Table host for AAS Undergraduate Receptions (2010-2013)

Other relevant positions and experience:

  • Board Member, Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2013-present)
  • Director, Dark Skies Bright Kids program, (2009-present)

National/International Committee Experience

  • ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (2008-2014)
  • ALMA North America Science Advisory Committee (2005-2014)
  • ALMA Sustainable Energy Working Group (2012-2014)
  • NRAO Astronomer Search Committee (2011)
  • Vice Chair, ALMA International Science Advisory Committee (2010-2011)
  • NRAO Green Bank Director Search Committee (2009)
  • SOC, "Revolutions in Astronomy with ALMA" (2014)
  • SOC, "The First Year of ALMA Science" (2012)
  • SOC, "The Birth and Feedback of Massive Stars, Within and Beyond the Galaxy" (2008)
  • SOC, "Hot Massive Stars: A Lifetime of Influence" (2008)
  • NRAO VLA Director Search Committee (2007)
  • SOC, "12 Questions in Massive Star Formation" (2007)
  • LOC, "From Z-Machines to ALMA" (2005)
  • NSF Committee of Visitors, AST Division (2005)

Review Panels

  • Chair, Hubble Space Telescope panel (2014)
  • NOAO panel (2010-2014)
  • NRAO/GBT Student Support Committee (2004-2012)
  • NSF CCAT Review (2011)
  • NSF AAG Panel (2002, 2009)
  • NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009, 2013)
  • Chair, Spitzer Space Telescope panel (2009)
  • NSF CAREER panel member (2005)
  • Hubble Space Telescope panel member (2005, 2010)
  • Spitzer Space Telescope panel member (2006)

Candidate Statement: As a member of the AAS Council, I would like to help our community navigate the ebb and flow of science funding and work toward long-term health and stability. The current budget climate not only impacts our ability to make scientific advancements, but also puts STEM literacy in jeopardy and directly impacts early-career scientists who find themselves at a crossroads with difficult decisions to make. By simultaneously serving on the AAS Council and the ASP Board, I hope to enhance the interactions between these societies and find new ways for them to them to strengthen their reach and impact.