Candidate Statement: Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

Nominated Office: USNC-IAU

Affiliation: University of California, Santa Cruz

Position/title: Professor and Chair

PhD institution: University of Cambridge (2003)

Areas of scientific interest:

  • high energy astrophysics, especially ultra compact binaries, galactic nuclei, black hole formation and radiative processes (including gravitational waves)

AAS positions & dates: n/a

Other relevant positions & experience:

  • Member, UC MEXUS Advisory Committee
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark
  • General Member, Aspen Center for Physics
  • Elected Member, Division of Astrophysics, American Physical Society
  • Neils Bohr Professor, Denmark
  • Elected Member, Mexican Academy of Sciences

Candidate Statement:

Our opportunity and responsibility is to productively engage the broader astronomical communities, and coherently advocate for science with funding agencies and planning committees here and abroad. These goals depend on an active and informed constituency and stronger connections with other societies around the world. We should also do our part in ensuring a more diverse group will lead the future of the field by recognizing the work of underrepresented scientists and by originating and participating in initiatives that broaden our reach among the public. The enthusiasm that our science provokes should be well cultivated to help the AAS promote the values of science in general and astronomy in particular.