PhD Research Positions in Astrophysics in Chile
Job Summary
Job Description
The Institute of Astrophysics (IA) at Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB) is receiving applications for the Ph.D. program in Astrophysics for the Academic Year 2025.
The IA is located at the Casona Campus of UNAB in Santiago, Chile, and hosts a friendly and stimulating international research environment where Ph.D. students can develop cutting-edge projects in Astrophysics.
Main research topics carried out by the Astrophysics Group are exoplanets, protoplanetary disks, stellar evolution and populations, Milky-Way, globular clusters, gaseous/stellar dynamics and structure of galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution, gravitational waves, active galactic nuclei, gravitational lensing, galaxy clusters and cosmology. The group has access to state-of-the-art observational infrastructure in Chile (e.g. ESO, Las Campanas, Gemini-south, ALMA, CTIO, among others) and observational datasets (e.g. APOGEE, VVVX, LSST and SDSSV when in operation). In addition, the group hosts a cluster for numerical simulations and high-volume data reduction and analysis.
Application Details
Applicants should upload a single pdf file with the requested items in the following exact order:
1) Cover letter including motivation
2) Undergraduate transcripts
3) CV (including a list of refereed publications and conference contributions)
4) MSc transcripts if applicable
Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation, to be sent directly to [email protected] before the September 13th deadline.
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed. Successful candidates will start the program in March 2025. Ph.D. scholarships are available for national and international students, covering tuition fees and living expenses. For details about the Ph.D. program please see