LMU-Munich Postdoctoral Position in the Euclid Mission
Job Summary
Job Description
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral appointment in the Chair for Cosmology and Structure Formation of the Faculty of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich). The successful applicant will join the Euclid team at LMU, with focus on the detection and photometry of all Euclid NIR and VISible space-based imaging data as well as the complementary EXTernal data taken from ground based telescopes. These mulit-band datasets enable precise photometric redshifts as well as SED-based PSF modelling within the broad VIS imaging band. Together, these two elements are the key to producing the exquisitely calibrated shear dataset that is needed for both cosmological and legacy science studies within the Euclid collaboration. Euclid is an ESA mission (https://sci.esa.int/web/euclid) that launched in July 2023 and is now delivering excellent data for the Euclid Collaboration. The validation of the growing amount of data towards the public releases that start in spring 2025 is part of our work. The position is funded until the end of 2027. The appointment will initially be for two years with continuation expected, given a strong performance.
Members of our LMU-Munich research group are focused on multiwavelength and weak lensing studies of galaxy clusters, voids, large scale structure, galaxies and AGN using data from SPT, DES, eROSITA, and MeerKAT. Furthermore, we lead two international participant groups within Rubin, and we are active contributors to the German National Research Data Infrastructure program PUNCH4NFDI. Therefore, the new team member will enjoy access to multiple, leading national and international collaborations. Munich offers a rich environment for astrophysics and cosmology, with groups pursuing a wide range of topics at the LMU and also at MPA, MPE and ESO in Garching.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics and a track record in working with large datasets. Experience within a collaborative analysis or development project and programming experience in Python or C++ is desired. This new position is available starting 1. October 2024. This is a research position at the German TVL E13 salary scale, and it is open to all qualified individuals, regardless of nationality. German language skills are not required.
Compensation and Benefits
Health care, 30 days vacation per year, maternity leave, retirement as for all German TVL public service positions.