AAS Press Office


Susanna Kohler, Editor, AAS Nova
Susanna Kohler
AAS Communications Manager & Press Officer
+1 202-328-2010 x127
Kerrin Hensley, Media Fellow
Kerry Hensley
AAS Communications Specialist & Deputy Press Officer
202-328-2010 x138
Benjamin Cassese
Benjamin Cassese
AAS Media Fellow

Relations with the news media on science topics are handled by the AAS Press Officer. The Press Officer responds to media inquiries by providing referrals to suitable experts, suggesting story topics and illustration sources, and recommending scientists who are effective communicators on radio and television.

The Press Officer is responsible for all media arrangements at meetings and all AAS public-information activities concerning the science of astronomy, as distinct from issues of public policy. Some AAS Divisions, including DPS, HEAD, and SPD, also appoint press officers who facilitate media coverage of their respective Divisional meetings and awards.

Public information officers: Please send your astronomy-related press releases — or at least headlines and links to the online versions — to [email protected] so that we can publicize them via our Astronomy in the News page and our @AAS_Press Twitter account.

AAS Press Releases