Postdoctoral Position in Cosmological Survey Science
Job Summary
Job Description
The Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Artificial Intelligence group at the University Observatory of the Department of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University announces the opportunity for one or more Postdoctoral positions in the area of cosmology with photometric and/or spectroscopic surveys. Scientists with a PhD degree in Physics, Astrophysics, or related fields are invited to apply. Successful applicants will be expected to address challenges in survey science and conduct original research in observational cosmology. The post holder is expected to carry out a modest amount of teaching for the university’s bachelor and master programs in physics and astrophysics, and will be encouraged to supervise students in their thesis phase.
We aim to fill the position from Fall 2021, although somewhat earlier or later starting dates can be accommodated. The offer for the position is intended for at least three years. The position is part of Professor Daniel Gruen’s research group, which will transfer from Stanford University to Munich in Summer 2021. For the Postdoctoral position we are looking for a person with a background anywhere along the path from pixels/fibers to cosmology. This could include e.g. the areas of characterization of photometric and spectroscopic data sets, weak gravitational lensing measurements, galaxies and their connection to dark matter, dark energy, large-scale structure, innovative theoretical and statistical methods in cosmology, and artificial intelligence. Postdoctoral researchers with experience in spectroscopic surveys and interests in connecting these with photometric data are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate is expected to play an active, collaborative role in at least one of the following surveys: the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), DESI, 4MOST, or Euclid.
Salary is paid according to the German public service pay agreement TV-L E13. The advancement of women in science is an integral part of the university’s policy. Therefore, women are especially encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities will be given preference to other applicants with equal qualifications.
Applicants should prepare a cover letter and the following documents: CV, publication list, and a 3-page statement of research interests and plans. Further, applicants are asked to arrange at least three letters of recommendation. All documents should be submitted through by November 8, 2020, for full consideration. Please mention the title of this job posting as “info about the package” in step 2 of the application form.