Call for applications for the Post-doctoral program of the Paris Observatory - PSL
Job Summary
Job Description
Applications are solicited for up to three post-doctoral positions in astrophysics at Paris Observatory-PSL. The positions are funded for one year, renewable for a second year.
Paris Observatory is one of the largest astronomical centres in the world with 850 employees and 840 publications per year. It represents one fourth of French astronomy with teams covering a wide range of research fields and participating in the largest instrumental, theoretical, numerical and experimental projects of modern astronomy. Research teams are located on three main sites, amongst which two are in the Paris area (Paris and Meudon). The third one is the Nançay astronomical radio observatory. Paris Observatory is a founding member of Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL, a young university federating nine prestigious research and higher education institutions in the fields of sciences, humanities, and arts.
Applicants are expected to conduct research related to the Strengths, “Pépites”, and Emergences of the Paris Observatory, which are detailed on the submission website. Positions are open to applicants of any nationality. Contracts should normally start between September and December 2024.
Selection criteria:
a) Scientific interest of the project in the context of the specific field of research and how it fits within the priorities of the Paris Observatory and of the research laboratory;
b) Scientific track record of the applicant and relevance of the proposed project in his/her employability and longer-term career. Selected candidates are invited to apply for permanent positions in one the Paris Observatory laboratories during their stay.
c) Work plan for two years : pertinence and consistency with respect to the scientific objectives;
d) Synergy of the project with the host team;
e) Clarity and pedagogy of the application documents.
Selection procedure:
1. Candidates must apply online at the dedicated website No applications will be accepted by email. Letters of recommendation must be sent separately to [email protected] and must be received before the deadline (see calendar below). Incomplete applications will not be considered in the selection process.
2. Pre-selection: each laboratory can select a limited number of applications depending on its size (number of research teams and number of researchers). Criteria (a), (b), and (d) are used during this pre-selection step. A maximal number of 30 applications are pre-selected and transmitted to the Scientific Council of the Paris Observatory;
3. Each pre-selected application is graded according to criteria (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) by three reviewers selected within the Scientific Council. Each criterion carries equal weight in the average grade. Applications are ranked according to the average grades and the 70% best applications are selected to pass this second step of the selection process;
4. The remaining applications are discussed during the Fall session of the Paris Observatory Scientific Council, from which about 10 applications are finally selected. The first ranked applications, depending on the exact number of positions offered that year, are contacted right after to be offered a position. Applications ranked up to the 10th rank (waiting list) are contacted;
5. If a candidate to whom a position was offered declines, the position is offered to the next candidates on the waiting list until the position is fulfilled.
Compensation and Benefits
The gross monthly salary for a full-time position amounts to roughly 3,450 €, health insurance benefits included