Postdoctoral Researcher in survey cosmology

Job Summary

Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
University of Arizona
Number of Positions Available
Work Arrangement

Job Description

The Arizona Cosmology Lab (, a research unit at UArizona's Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, invites applications for a 3-year Postdoctoral Fellowship. ACL Fellows are expected to conduct research in cosmological data analysis (theoretical and observational projects) in collaboration with ACL faculty Elisabeth Krause, Tim Eifler, and Eduardo Rozo. We seek applicants interested in the ongoing DES and DESI data analysis, in preparing for the early phases of the Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time, and in developing analysis strategies for the NASA SPHEREx explorer, and the Roman Space Telescope.

Applicants should outline their research plans to optimally extract cosmological information using one or multiple of these data sets; we also encourage applications that explore synergies with CMB experiments. Expertise in modeling cosmological observables, machine learning, statistical inference, and observational data reduction is beneficial.

UA/SO offers a world-class research environment in astrophysics with strong interdisciplinary programs across the Departments of Astronomy, Physics, Planetary Sciences, and the UA Data Science Institute. Our lab has priority access to local supercomputing resources including distributed, shared-memory, and GPU architectures and we can access national supercomputing resources at NERSC and Pleiades for survey specific projects. We strive to create an inclusive, diverse environment and strongly encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply.

Applicants should upload a single pdf containing cover letter (1 page), CV (2 pages), Research Statement (5 page max, incl figures and references) and arrange for 3 letters to be uploaded at the URL below.

Compensation and Benefits

Included Benefits

Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities.

Application Details

Publication Start Date
2022 Nov 17
Application Deadline
2022 Dec 15


Tim Eifler


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