8 April 2016

Future Innovators Scholarship Opportunity from StudySoup

This opportunity is posted on behalf of StudySoup.

StudySoup, an online peer-to-peer learning marketplace, has launched a new Future Innovator Scholarship Program. The program will award a $2,000 scholarship each semester to a student who exemplifies StudySoup's core values. Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as high school seniors who will be attending an accredited college or university the following year, are eligible to apply. See the full terms and conditions and find the application form on the StudySoup scholarship website.


About StudySoup
StudySoup is a Peer-to-Peer Learning Marketplace that connects top students in the class with those who need a little help. Top students can upload their notes and study guides to the StudySoup Marketplace, and their peers can purchase those study materials, earning the seller a sweet income.

Jeff Silverman and Sieva Kozinsky started StudySoup when they were students at UC Santa Barbara. They could feel the financial pressures on the students around them, as well as the limited resources that the school was able to provide to help them succeed in the classroom. The most evident solution they saw was to help students make money, while helping their peers succeed in the classroom.

Today, thousands of students across dozens of school participate in the StudySoup Peer-to-Peer Marketplace, with top sellers generating over $1000 per class in sales. If you're interested in being an Elite Notetaker, or just learning more about StudySoup, please visit the website.