HEAD Electronic Poster Submission Form

As part of HEAD's 13th Divisional Meeting in Monterey, California (April 7-11, 2013), we are collecting, on a trial basis, PDF versions of posters that will be presented at the meeting. These will be used in two different ways, at the submitter's discretion.

  1. Displayed on large TV screens on a rotating basis which will be placed around the meeting site, highlighting your work


  2. Included as a attached and permanent downloadable file in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) listing that will be associated with your poster abstract.

You may agree to either or both of these uses. In either case, you must certify that the contents of the submitted poster correspond to the material presented at the meeting, and that you own the intellectual rights to this content. If you wish to submit your contribution to the ADS, you acknowledge that its submission constitutes a permanent publication that cannot be altered later except via posting an erratum. You also agree to make it available under a CC-BY license.

Personal Information Form